By David Dixon
If you’re a community leader, then partaking in educational programs should be the norm rather than the exception if you want to be at the forefront of what’s happening in the community and the rest of the world. Learning how you can make a difference and inspire others to do the same with organizations such as Primamundi is an excellent place to start.
How to start your educational journey
If you are a community leader, then chances are time is your most scarce commodity. Hence, the need to get the timing right concerning the relevancy of your educational pursuits.
- Decide on an area you’d like to boost your knowledge in. Making sure this coincides with an issue that is affecting your community directly is a good direction to go in.
- Research the most pressing issues affecting the nation to ensure you are headed in the right direction. Enlisting assistance from the community is a good way to put your feelers out there.
- Utilize time management tools to help you prioritize learning if you have a busy schedule.
What options are there?
Fortunately, there are many resources community leaders have access to help them become even better leaders and stronger advocates for the causes they feel passionate about.
- You can pursue a degree in IT if keeping up with technology is important to you. With various online options, you can take a course in Computer Science, Data Management, or Software.
- Online learning can open doors to new opportunities for networking that can help alert you to see areas that need your attention more than others.
- Networking with other community leaders who are focused on improving their knowledge could even lead you to unite for a cause that requires all hands on deck.
Experiential learning
There are advantages to theoretical and experiential learning to help open your eyes to new possibilities.
- Self-learning could enlighten you about new leadership methodologies and best practices. Popular leadership books include Leadership: In Turbulent Times by Doris Kearns Goodwin and Resonant Leadership by Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee.
- Take advantage of breaking the language barriers by learning a language you’re unfamiliar with.
- Taking part in extracurricular activities that are important to your community could be your chance to learn about something that is close to people’s hearts.
The beauty of being a community leader is that you have the opportunity to influence the community through your actions, with lifelong learning being one of those opportunities to ignite drastic change. guest writer David Dixon started to encourage others far and wide to find ways to volunteer in their community, and to celebrate all things homeownership. On days off, David, his wife and son enjoy being outdoors, taking weekend trips to different Midwest destinations, and geocaching for treasure.