The following list is just a small sample of the many entities engaged in this topic today. For more links to other entities engaged in this and other related topics, and to see books, articles, and DVD's on this and similar themes, please see the Global Awakening series complete References and Resources List, included in "Volume II: The Awakening Experience, Introduction to the Series".
This is a list of organizations that you can approach for funding your own project, or, where you can make contributions to support other projects. If you are representing an organization that would like to be listed here, please submit your information
Website of the World Bank, “Working for a World Free of Poverty.”
Bill McKibben’s Earth-healing website dedicated to building a global grass-roots movement to solve the climate crisis.
Website for the Feed Foundation, a NFP NGO dedicated to improving the global food system by raising money for and awareness of nutritious school lunches for all children worldwide.
Website for the International Rescue Committee, an NGO that, in conjunction with the UN, responds with aid to the world’s worst crises and emergencies, helping people to survive and rebuild their lives.
Website for Refugees International, an independent NGO that advocates and provides solutions for displaced populations around the world.
Website of 1% for the Planet, which encourages businesses to contribute One percent of sales for environmental causes.
Website for Newman’s Own Foundation, that has donated more than $370 million to make the world a better place, from donations of all the net profits/royalties of all Newman’s Own product sales.
Website of Kiva, an organization dedicated to alleviating global poverty by connecting lenders and lendees worldwide.
A new way to fund creative projects large and small that links financial backers with project developers. It has thus far provided 4.8 million people with $800 million in funding.
Website of Heifer International, which has helped millions of families in 125+ countries become more self-reliant through the gift of livestock/environmentally intelligent agricultural training.
At Dream.Org we close prison doors and open doors of opportunity. We bring people together across racial, social, and partisan lines to create a future with freedom, dignity and opportunity for all.
Connecting the World’s poor to their potential.
Fast, free to start & crowdfunded millions for US campaigns!
#1 for Crowdfunding & Fundraising Websites
Website for a social platform whose mission is to maximize fundraising for political, school, and event campaigns.
Website for FINCA, dedicated to helping heal and empower the poor, all over the world.
Website for an organization dedicated to crowdsourcing and crowdfunding (the gathering of people and resources for advancing projects).
Website of Bread for the World, dedicated to feeding the hungry globally.