For more links to other entities engaged in this and other related topics, and to see books, articles, and DVD’s on this and similar themes, please see the Global Awakening series complete References and Resources List, included in "Volume II: The Awakening Experience, Introduction to the Series".
Website for/about veteran journalist Bill Moyers including current stories from his PBS shows, news and commentaries, etc.
NPO that has (since 1990) highlighted breakthrough solutions for restoring people and the planet.
A leading Internet site dedicated to effecting broad-based societal change.
Building Progressive Community. Excellent breaking news and news source.
A daily independent global newshour with Amy goodman and Juan González.
Creating the New Civilization for the Common Good.
Website of the Telluride Mountain Film Festival.
Website for the National Geographic Society.
Award-winning magazine (both print and digital), the best of environmental literature.
For 25 years, we’ve trained the next environmental and social change makers in the life enhancing practice of Permaculture Design.
Website for Tim DeChristopher et. al.’s effort to engage civil disobedience for “defending a livable future through empowering nonviolent action.”
High-profile ideas-into-action website.
Internet Sacred Text Archive, with hundreds of freely available online books on religion, philosophy, mythology, and folklore.
Website of Scientific American magazine. The website archives many articles published in its magazine, as well as hosting podcasts and other resources on many scientific topics.
Website for the 2011 documentary film by Helena Norberg-Hodge, Steven Gorelick, and John Page that investigates perils of and workable alternatives to contemporary economic globalization.
Website of the National Phenology Network, providing information on the network of scientists and 4000+ amateur naturalists who augment the tracking and documentation of climate change—how it affects life on Earth, seasonal shifts, etc.
Website of World Public Opinion, a global source of public opinion research on international affairs and policy, dedicated to giving a voice to the public around the world.
Powerful Ideas, Practical Actions. Print and Online Magazine/News Source.