In this extract from her latest book On Fire, the No Logo author looks at why capitalism and politics have got in the way of addressing the climate crisis

• Interview with Naomi Klein: ‘We are seeing the beginnings of the era of climate barbarism’

Up in flames: ‘There is no planet B! Don’t burn our future!’
Up in flames: ‘There is no planet B! Don’t burn our future!’ Photograph: Kittiyut Phornphibul/Getty Images/EyeEm
On a Friday in mid-March, they streamed out of schools in little rivulets, burbling with excitement and defiance at an act of truancy. The little streams emptied on to grand avenues and boulevards, where they combined with other flows of chanting children and teens. Soon the rivulets were rushing rivers: 100,000 bodies in Milan, 40,000 in Paris, 150,000 in Montreal. Cardboard signs bobbed above the surf of humanity: THERE IS NO PLANET B! DON’T BURN OUR FUTURE. THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!