Website of Shambhala Publications, books on Buddhism, philosophy, religion, health, etc.
Website of publisher of books on spirituality, health, etc.
NASA’s website for the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).
Website of Scientific American magazine. The website archives many articles published in its magazine, as well as hosting podcasts and other resources on many scientific topics.
Website affiliated with NRDC for saving important places on Earth.
Internet Sacred Text Archive, with hundreds of freely available online books on religion, philosophy, mythology, and folklore.
Website of Sacred Passage and The Way of Nature Fellowship, founded by John P. Milton.
Cloth bags to replace the plastic ones.
Website for the International Rescue Committee, an NGO that, in conjunction with the UN, responds with aid to the world’s worst crises and emergencies, helping people to survive and rebuild their lives.
Website for Redwood Hill Farm, a dairy featuring a solar-powered creamery that produces carbon neutral organic goat yogurt, etc.
10 All-Natural, Homemade Cleaning Solutions to Scrub Every Inch of Your Home
Website on global poverty.
Website dedicated to furthering non-violent resistance culture through democratic orgs that empower local communities.
Website for info on the ancient city of Caral.
Website for Tim DeChristopher et al.’s effort to engage civil disobedience for “defending a livable future through empowering nonviolent action.”
Website for P. Allen Smith (well-known garden/home designer).
Award-winning magazine (both print and digital), the best of environmental literature.
Get Organic Style Magazine, with info on green lifestyle choices.
Website of 1% for the Planet, which encourages businesses to contribute One percent of sales for environmental causes.
Website dedicated to fighting AIDS and extreme poverty.
Website that compares the top-rated carbon offset providers—the “Consumer Reports” covering the carbon offset business.
News for Intelligent Optimists. Website for Ode magazine, aka The Intelligent Optimist magazine.
NRCC website dedicated to green gifting (for the holidays, etc)
Website for the Natural Resources Defense Council.