Dear Friends,
The fable that follows is soon to be published in two forthcoming volumes in the Global Awakening series: Volume 3, Glimpses of Oneness and Volume 4, First Light. It tells the story of how I first experienced being part of something much bigger than me, and the valuable lesson to be drawn from this simple realization and applied to our global climate crisis.
by Lee Temple
As it grew dark, my Mother called me in for supper—several times. Finally, my Dad had to come out and bring me in. I was crying my head off because my clouds had deserted me forever. My Dad kindly explained to me that they weren’t mine to begin with and that they always changed, so I would never ever see the same cloud twice. So much for little Lee Temple’s exceptional “my cloud” theory. I guess I never looked at clouds the same way again, and the world became a much more curious place for me from that day forward.
Many of us remember similar events—experiences that were simple enough on the surface, yet somehow managed to spark our imagination about the universe, make us aware of its vastness and mysteries and, if we were lucky, even make us feel a part of that mystery. Do you remember when it happened for you?
This adjustment in our outlook however,
helps set the stage for a more profound understanding
of the true equality of all things to enter.
As the fate of the dinosaurs and myriad other physical forms that have come and gone throughout the history of the cosmos attests, the universe can easily exist with or without us or our attempts to make sense of things. However, humanity and all its strivings and accomplishments would not exist without Originating Power, its Big Bang origination event, and the universe that unfolded as a result. To some, diminishing the value and pre-eminence of human power, knowledge, and wisdom like this may be unsettling, just as the debunking of little Lee Temple’s exceptional “my cloud theory” was to me as a child. This adjustment in our outlook however, helps set the stage for a more profound understanding of the true equality of all things to enter. This kind of change must be at the heart of any deep, societal transformation that replaces our separative, self-aggrandizing, me-first tendencies with the shift into unity consciousness that we desire.
Our Earth- and human-oriented concerns, however sacred, are an integral yet minute (some might even say peripheral) part of an immense universe, the magnitude of which we glimpse more and more each day. Cosmologically, it seems the more we learn, the smaller we get in the overall scheme of things, yet the humility that comes as our awareness of this grows can actually help unveil our innate oneness with this much larger whole.