Evolutionary Experiential Teachings in Innerbody Meditation and Conscious Leadership
As we experience increasing global destabilization and chaotic energies, we are challenged, perhaps like never before, to remain grounded, non-reactive and hold to our inner peace. In order to do this, we need to work within a new paradigm of spiritual practice and leadership.
What our practices and actions have been in the past no longer suffice. A leap to a higher way of being in the world, a leap to a higher level of consciousness is necessary. Consciousness is contagious. The spiritual mystics have told us this over the ages, and we also now have scientific evidence that when a certain way of behaving is practiced by a sufficient number within a species, it automatically is transmitted to the entire species. We have within us the power to create that tipping point, to create a contagion of consciousness, which will bring us into a new, more loving and connected humanity.
The body is in the field of universal consciousness, yet at the same time paradoxically holds within it all of consciousness. Innerbody Meditation stresses that we have to enter the inner energy body to go through and beyond it in order to live from our true divine nature – which is stillness, peace, love, and truth.
Within the physical body is a vibrant, alive energy body of consciousness. It is through Innerbody Meditation that we can ignite the consciousness within. When we come to experience the Life within us, we come to realize we are not just our body but infinitely more. Then the ego, which comes from fear based on a belief in separation from others, and therefore feels it needs to compare itself with others, be better than others, defend itself from or attack others, begins to naturally diminish.
The practices of Innerbody Meditation are sequenced in a specific way so as to bring the meditator to full inner body awareness and through that to a higher level of consciousness. It also brings the meditator to a point where they no longer need to engage in certain practices to live a life of Presence – when their inner spiritual consciousness connects with the outer world created by sense perceptions. When you are connected within and without, you are in a state of calm, of equilibrium.
When we live from a state of Presence, when we hold to the animating consciousness within and the external from a state of higher consciousness, we not only become a blessing to all we meet but experience what have been referred to as “miracles” in our life – sudden emotional healings such as the falling away of long held fears and resentments, increase in intuitive “knowing”, occurrences of synchronistic events, wonderful blessings – and opportunities that have never even entered our minds as possibilities.
Participants of Innerbody Meditation workshops are led to experience for themselves the elements, which when practiced, lead to a higher level of consciousness and therefore a more easeful and positive way of being in the world.
There are three levels to Innerbody Meditation: Introductory, Developmental, and, Advanced. Each is a 1-day workshop but can be joined in a sequence of 2 or 3 days.
Facilitator: Constance Kellough has an extensive background in teaching, facilitation, and speaking. Over the past 20 years as Founder and Publisher at Namaste Publishing, she has introduced a wide range of spiritual books to the world. She brings to her own highly experiential approach to Innerbody Meditation a 20-year background with three spiritual teachers: Eckhart Tolle, Barry Long (deceased) and Joel Goldsmith (deceased).
Of these three, her “root” teacher for inner body meditation is Eckhart Tolle.
She met Eckhart in 1997 and at her invitation to him he led her and 8-10 others in Innerbody Meditation for over a year. This “sacred sitting”, which she calls it, started well before Eckhart asked her to be his publisher. Constance agreed and the result is that The Power of Now, Stillness Speaks, and A New Earth came into being and spread widely across our planet.
She knows we only truly know something when we have personally experienced it. Hence, her emphasis is on experiential learning.
“Dear Constance! Thank you very much for being a “conductor” to the light, to the Divine. You are very inspiring. Thanks for sharing the HOW.”
Olga, Inner Body Meditation Participant
“Constance’s facilitation role-models the very presence, stillness and and joy her meditation practice offers. Thank you, Constance!”
Karen, Inner Body Meditation Participant
For more information on Innerbody Meditation or to book Constance Kellough for a teaching, please email info@innerbodymeditation.com
Leadership has always been critical to positive and forward movement – more so today than ever! Leadership skills required in the past no longer suffice. We are facing new personal and global challenges not experienced before. Therefore, our leaders today need more than a titular position, knowledge, and skills. They must inspire others to greater personal growth and accomplishments by demonstrating authenticity, moral strength, wise decision-making, and compassion.
This requires going inward to ignite the consciousness within the physical and energy bodies. It requires being truly present in work tasks and every interaction. It requires being balanced in body, mind, and spirit.
We are naturally drawn to leaders who know themselves beyond ego identification, who interact with us from a state of presence – a state of holding to their authentic inner self while acting in the world.
- Be able to tap into the awareness, the wisdom that comes only out of stillness.
- Be able to practice Innerbody Meditation, which frees up the consciousness within our being.
- Be confident in making decisions from the heart, which is 5,000 times more powerful in creating than the brain.
- Be able to manage and dispel the “pain-body” when it arises so as to not over react and thereby cause more pain for others.
- Be able to find one’s unique “inner” voice, which speaks with clarity and integrity.
- Be able to be humble, vulnerable, open, and honest with others because we come from knowing our self-worth.
This highly experiential, non-traditional leadership Program is for Senior Leadership Teams in Business and Various Organizations, including those in the Public Purpose and Non-Profit sectors. Each teaching will be customized to the unique needs of the team.
Facilitator: Constance Kellough
Constance Kellough is uniquely positioned to facilitate the practice of CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP THROUGH INNERBODY MEDITATION: Her background is in Adult Education, Management Consulting and Publishing in the areas of Body/Mind/Spirit. Founder & Publisher of Namaste Publishing, several of her most noted authors are Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now, A New Earth, Stillness Speaks), Michael Brown (The Presence Process) and Dr. Shefali Tsabary (The Conscious Parent). Always her emphasis she has been on being a pioneer and developer of evolutionary practices.
Constance is an outstanding presenter and facilitator. Her depth of knowledge and visionary wisdom is incomparable. She informs, uplifts, and awakens – all while coming from her heart. Her ability to connect with her audience seems magical. What a gift to us all! – Shirley Spaxman, Vancouver, BC
For more information on Conscious Leadership or to book Constance Kellough for a teaching, please email info@innerbodymeditation.com
“A Leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” – Rosalynn Carter, former First Lady
“The Ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – Martin Luther King, Civil Rights Advocate
“Presenting leadership as a list of carefully defined qualities not longer holds. Instead, true leadership stems from individuality that is honestly and sometimes imperfectly expressed. Leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection.” – Sheryl Sandberg, COO Facebook
“Leadership is an intense journey into yourself. You can use your own style to get anything done. It’s about being self-aware. Every morning I look in the mirror and say, I could have done three things better yesterday.” – Jeffrey R. Immelt, Chairman & CEO, General Electric
“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader.” – Dolly Parton, Singer, Songwriter