Benefits of Making Learning a Lifestyle for Community Leaders
From the Desk of Lee Temple & Latest News
By David Dixon If you’re a community leader, then partaking in educational programs should be the norm rather than the exception if you want to be at the forefront of what’s happening in the community and the rest of the world. Learning how you can make a difference and inspire…
The Global Commons, The World Ocean By Lee Temple
From the Desk of Lee Temple & Latest News
It’s easy to understand the global nature of the air we breathe, but let’s look at two of our planet’s other major ecosystems, oceans and forests, as well. Though individual countries may claim sovereignty over aspects of these resources based on geographical placement, the truth is they function as one…
The Gift of Winter’s Quiet Grace
From the Desk of Lee Temple & Latest News
The shift from fall to winter can be very special. In the natural world, this primordial change involves a process of death and entombment with the potential for authentic rebirth in the spring. It correlates directly to some of the most powerful spiritual/religious themes and stories the world over.
Your Business Can Make A Positive Community Impact
From the Desk of Lee Temple & Latest News
By David Dixon Starting a woman-owned business in your local community is an investment that can be personally rewarding and professionally fulfilling, and have societal value as well. Companies that are good corporate citizens can have a notable positive impact on the communities they serve, and in turn, are typically…
Millennium Magazine features Lee Temple
From the Desk of Lee Temple & Latest News
Check out the 7th edition of’s Who’s Who Magazine featuring Lee Temple!
The Star Treatment with Star Jones
From the Desk of Lee Temple & Latest News Founder Lee Temple explores his passions for architecture and the arts with Star Jones.
Featured Website:
From the Desk of Lee Temple & Latest News
Shrinking Our Waste The US recycles 34% of our waste, but we could be recycling 75%. It’ll take a combined effort of governments, corporations, communities, and individuals to raise recycling to the next level.
Arcadia Power | Choose Clean Energy Today
From the Desk of Lee Temple & Latest News
Arcadia Power makes using clean energy at home easier than ever. It takes just 3 minutes to create an account and you can track your impact and energy usage in our easy-to-understand customer dashboard. Best of all, getting started is completely free.
Open Educators | A coalition of scholastic achievement advocates on a mission to promote cultural awareness through the power of information.
From the Desk of Lee Temple & Latest News
One of the great benefits the Internet offers is a seemingly endless supply of information on any subject you may ever wish to research. At Open Educators, we realize this vastness of resources can also be daunting, and can pose some important considerations:
Featured Ally Website: Worldwatch Institute
From the Desk of Lee Temple & Latest News
Through research and outreach that inspire action, the Worldwatch Institute works to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world that meets human needs.