Welcome To A Global Awakening

Recommended Videos: Tending The Wild

BY: Lee Temple
May 1, 2017
Read Time: 1 minute
“Tending the Wild” shines light on the environmental knowledge of indigenous peoples across California by exploring how they have actively shaped and tended the land for millennia, in the process developing a deep understanding of plant and animal life. This series examines how humans are necessary to live in balance…

Search for the Super Battery

BY: Lee Temple
March 13, 2017
Read Time: 1 minute
Explore the hidden world of energy storage and how it holds the keys to a greener future.

Film Recommendation: The Salt of the Earth

BY: Lee Temple
January 11, 2017
Read Time: 1 minute
‘The Salt of the Earth’ Presents a Photographer’s Life and Lens, in Focus

Recommended Website: standingonsacredground.org

BY: Lee Temple
July 13, 2016
Read Time: 1 minute
http://standingonsacredground.org/ Around the world, indigenous people stand up for their traditional sacred lands in defense of cultural survival, human rights and the environment.

Back from the Dead:

BY: Lee Temple
April 18, 2016
Read Time: 1 minute
The electric car is alive and well today. With Tesla’s new launch of the more affordable Model 3, pre-orders are expected to reach half a million: Tesla Motors Inc.’s Elon Musk said worldwide pre-orders for the newly announced Model 3 electric car hit 276,000 during the weekend. The chief executive…

Recommended Video: Turning poop into power, not pollution

BY: Lee Temple
April 4, 2016
Read Time: 1 minute
Move over solar and wind power, there’s another renewable energy source: poop. Thanks to rapidly advancing “digester” technologies, it’s possible to extract and refine natural gas from the methane in human and animal waste, generating power rather than polluting greenhouse gases. Special correspondent Dan Boyce of Inside Energy and Rocky…

New York pension fund could have made billions by divesting from fossil fuels – report

BY: Lee Temple
March 16, 2016
Read Time: 1 minute
Moving money out of fossil fuels and into environmentally-friendly tech could have made members of the state’s pension fund an extra $4,500 each New York State’s pension fund would have an additional $5.3bn to give to its retired employees if it had divested from fossil fuel companies and put that…

Seas Are Rising at Fastest Rate in Last 28 Centuries

BY: Lee Temple
March 22, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
The worsening of tidal flooding in American coastal communities is largely a consequence of greenhouse gases from human activity, and the problem will grow far worse in coming decades, scientists reported Monday. Those emissions, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, are causing the ocean to rise at the fastest…

A TED talk by Al Gore: Al Gore: The case for optimism on climate change

BY: Lee Temple
March 22, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Why is Al Gore optimistic about climate change? In this spirited talk, Gore asks three powerful questions about the man-made forces threatening to destroy our planet — and the solutions we’re designing to combat them.

The Pinnacle of the Global Climate Crisis Leader Board

BY: Lee Temple
March 22, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Bhutan isn’t just carbon neutral today, it’s already carbon negative, at the same time that it’s bearing the difficult effects of climate change caused elsewhere, a fact that motivates inspired action: The Bhutan for Life project. This is truly an inspiring talk by Bhutan’s Prime Minister, Tshering Tobgay. Please check…

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